welcome to my lil site! this is a place where i blog and post about myself and my life! i also provide many resources for website making, such as codes, material sites, and extra resources. feel free to explore and ask me questions! consider following my site
- i need to revamp the resources page :(
- added dreamlog
- added more stamps/blinkies/buttons to my collection
- working on a theme to add to my themes page
- might work on dreamlog
- added categories for shrines but i need to organize it
- diary is finished
- creating "dollies" section soon
- finished resources, meaning you can check it out now! there are lots of good fonts and sozai/material sites on there
- making a doll base tonight
- how do i customize my yesterweb webring :sob: anyone lmk pls i'm bad at java LOL
hotline webring neighbours